Your ligaments play a crucial role in holding your body together, namely attaching your bones to one another. When a ligament is compromised, it can have a serious impact on your ability to function — which is the case with your knee’s anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL. At Powell Orthopedics, Dr. Mark W. Powell has been successfully treating ACL tears in his patients in Northwest, Arkansas, for almost 20 years. If you suspect you have an ACL tear, call the office or book an appointment online to receive expert care at the hands of Dr. Powell.

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What is the ACL?

Your knee is the largest joint in your body where three bones meet to supply you with mobility and support. Holding these bones together are two groups of ligaments:

  • Collateral ligaments along the side of your knee for sideways motion
  • Cruciate ligaments on the inside of your knee for back-and-forth motion

There are two cruciate ligaments that criss-cross each other: the anterior and posterior ligaments. Your anterior ligament, or ACL, runs diagonally across the front of your knee and prevents your tibia from moving out in front of your femur.

How does an ACL tear occur?

Most ACL tears occur as a result of an injury during an activity, such as sports, and are caused by:

  • A sudden pivot
  • Sudden stops
  • Slowing down while running
  • Landing incorrectly after jumping
  • Collision

How is an ACL tear treated?

In order to embark on the best treatment protocol for your torn ACL, Dr. Powell conducts an extensive examination of your knee to determine the extent of the injury, almost always using X-rays and MRIs.

Once your ACL injury is diagnosed and graded, Dr. Powell goes over the different treatment options with you, which depend on the severity of your injury and your lifestyle. It should be noted, however, that your ACL won’t heal on its own without surgery.

For elderly or inactive patients, Dr. Powell may recommend bracing the knee and undergoing physical therapy to avoid surgery.

For all other patients, Dr. Powell typically relies on arthroscopic surgery to rebuild your ACL. ACL tears can’t be stitched back together like other tendons and ligaments, so during your minimally-invasive surgery, he replaces your torn ligament with a graft.

To regain your mobility after an ACL tear, call Powell Orthopedics, or schedule a visit using the online booking tool.